Know JPSC Exam Pattern for Better Preparation


On 15th February 2021, Jharkhand Public Service Commission started its online application process for the 2017-2020 recruitment. The Commission is conducting a common state service examination for four years. The name of the state service examination is called ‘Combined Civil Services Examination’. 

There are three stages of the examination process – Prelims, Mains and Interview. The Combined Civil Services Prelims Examination is scheduled for 2nd May 2021. The commission will release the JPSC Result on its official website expectedly within 2 months from the date of the exam. 

It becomes imperative for the candidates to know the exam pattern of the Jharkhand PSC Exam 7-10 to avoid making any mistakes in preparation.

Stages of JPSC Exam in Details

The table below mentions the stages of the examination. 

Exam Stage Details
Prelims It consists of two MCQ type papers
Mains It consists of six descriptive type papers
Personality Test It is the interview stage

JPSC Prelims

There are two papers – General Studies-I, and General Studies-II. Both papers are of 200 marks each. The paper-I includes Indian history, geography, polity, economy questions along with environment, science and technology and miscellaneous issues. 

Candidates should note that Jharkhand-specific questions too are asked in JPSC Prelims. According to the latest exam pattern, around 10 questions are asked concerning Jharkhand. 

The break-up of the numbers of questions from each subject/topic asked in General Studies-I of prelims examination is mentioned below:

Topic/Subject Number of Questions in Prelims
Indian History 15
Geography of India 10
Indian Polity & Governance 10
Economic and Sustainable Development 10
Science and Technology 15
Current Affairs 15
Miscellaneous 15


The General Studies paper-II is entirely based on Jharkhand history, polity, sports, economy, art and culture, geography and current affairs of the state. Candidates have to be thorough with the evolution of the state of Jharkhand, its cities and capital. 

JPSC Mains

The mains examination is of 950 marks. Three hours are assigned for each paper. There is no provision for the optional papers in the state service examination of Jharkhand. Unlike most other state Public Service Commission (PSCs) which have optional subjects as an added examination in the mains stage; JPSC doesn’t have it. 

There are wide-ranging subjects asked in the mains stage of the examination:

  1. General Hindi and General English
  2. Language and Literature
  3. Social Sciences, History and Geography
  4. Indian Constitution, Polity, Public Administration and Good governance 
  5. Indian Economy, Globalization, and Sustainable development
  6. General Sciences, Environment & Technology Development

A few pointers about the JPSC Mains examination:

  1. Paper-I is of qualifying nature. It has ‘Hindi’ and ‘English’ sections. 
  2. The candidates have to learn about the literature of one regional language. The Commission gives the list of regional languages from which aspirants can select one. It is asked in Paper-II.
  3. History. Geography and Social Sciences are asked in paper-III.
  4. There are two sections in paper-IV: ‘Indian Constitution and Polity,’ and ‘Public Administration and Good Governance.’
  5. Economy, Globalisation and Sustainable Development topics are included in the Paper-III of JPSC Mains. 
  6. General Science, Environment and Technology are a part of paper-VI of the exam. 

Candidates should note that the third stage is the personality test (100 marks) which is where candidates are interviewed  by a panel of experts. JPSC releases the calendar of the exam on its official website which candidates should always check to not miss any exam. 

Once candidates are informed about the syllabus and the exam pattern, with proper planning they can clear the examination without any hassle. 

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